• South Surrey, BC
  • (604) 535-8118
  • Call us today to schedule an eye exam

Myopia Control

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Help Your Child See Further for Longer

Myopia is on the rise worldwide. Studies suggest that by 2050, nearly half of the world’s population will have some degree of myopia. Because of how widespread the condition is, optometrists worldwide have developed different ways to slow its progression in children.

With our team’s help, we can find myopia management options that work for your child’s lifestyle. Please, book an appointment with us today!

What is Myopia

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is a refractive error that affects your ability to see long distances clearly.

It can develop early in life and occurs when your eyes start to elongate. This elongation then prevents light from focusing on your retina, blurring your distance vision.

The risk of developing myopia can increase in several ways, like having a family history of myopia or not spending enough time outdoors. Studies suggest that nearly 30% of Canadians have some degree of myopia.

Controlling and reducing the rate of myopia progression is crucial because myopia significantly increases your child’s risks of serious eye diseases including, retinal detachments, myopic maculopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts. These diseases can lead to permanent vision loss.


Childhood Myopia

Myopia, alongside other conditions like amblyopia and strabismus, is one of the most common refractive errors children can experience growing up. Some studies have shown that myopia can develop in children as young as 6 to 8 years old.

To help manage your child’s myopia, please ensure they have regular eye exams. You may also be able to spot complications related to myopia in your child’s behaviour, including:

  • Excessive eye rubbing
  • Constant blinking
  • Sitting closer to things like the television to see it properly
  • Consistent headaches caused by eyestrain

Managing Myopia

MiyoSmart Lenses

MiyoSmart lenses are specialty lenses for children that use Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) technology. This award-winning technology corrects the refractive error in the center of the lens while also using small segments that provide myopic defocus. MiyoSmart lenses have been clinically proven to slow down myopia progression and eye elongation rate by an average of 60%.

We are proud to be a certified MiyoSmart specialist and one of the first clinics in Canada to offer this new amazing product.

MiSight 1-Day contact lenses are specially designed to help reduce the rate of myopia progression in children. These lenses are designed with peripheral rings of defocus, which help focus light on your retina, provide clear vision, and slow myopia.

Get The Help You Need Today!

If you or your child are struggling with myopia, we can help you find solutions to enjoy a clear, comfortable vision. Please, book an appointment with us today!

Visit Our Office

Our modern, state-of-the-art family practice is located in South Surrey in the Grandview Corners Shopping Centre. We are easily accessible from 160th Street and Croydon Drive.

Come visit us, and let our friendly and highly skilled doctors and staff take care of your eye care needs!

Contact Information

Phone: (604) 535-8118


Insight Eyecare – Doctors of Optometry
#50-2285 160th Street
Surrey, BC V3Z 9N6

Hours of Operation

10:00 AM6:00 PM
9:00 AM6:00 PM
10:00 AM5:00 PM
11:00 AM7:00 PM
10:00 AM6:00 PM
11:00 AM4:00 PM

Our Services

We provide an atmosphere where you can feel comfortable asking any questions during your eye exam. Our team loves building relationships with our patients and giving you the best possible service. With an inviting office and super friendly staff, we’re always striving to provide the best patient care and ensure that all of your eye care needs are met.


Adult & Senior Eye Exams

More than 80% of a child’s learning is based on their vision. Make sure your child is reaching their full potential at school. Eye exams provide so much more than just a lens prescription; they’re vital in detecting and treating vision problems that could affect your child for the rest of their lives. Many eye diseases and conditions can develop during your child’s early years, threatening their vision.


Children's Eye Exams

Many eye diseases can develop for years without showing symptoms. Early detection is important as these conditions can damage your vision permanently if they progress far enough. Book an eye exam today to help diagnose and manage any early eye disease you or your family may have.

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management

Myopia or nearsightedness is one of the most common refractive errors around the globe. It can develop early in childhood and progress into adulthood, which can lead to sight threatening eye diseases. If your child suffers from myopia, we have solutions to control the progression and preserve their vision and eye health for the future.

Myopia Control


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